It is finally here, I can say it...I am on HOLIDAYS. The taste of success is a wonderful thing.
Friday, 7 December 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
It's a Supernatural thing
Here is a post for my #SPNFamily on twitter :) You guys are the reason I have so many followers, you are all so beautiful and we have a very strong, universally tight family...and I am so glad that I am a part of it. Taking part in "trending" Supernatural phrases is just ONE way we show our appreciation for the hilarity of this show.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
This is Our Anthem
I think that it is about time that Good Charlotte made an appearance in this blog...would you agree? To my GCFAM On Twitter...only you could understand when I say that Good Charlotte is more than just a band. Whether you are a new listener to GC or you are a long standing and proud member of our family...I am sure you will mostly agree with the things I have to say. Number 1...being that we are all part of an incredible family.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Jay Jay Jnr
So each night when I decide to give myself a break from attempting to study the complexities of Property and Trust Law I have been racking my brain for inspiration and ideas to add to this space. Many instances I draw blanks, but I try and write down any ideas that come to me before I go to sleep. Although it may not be interesting, controversial or mildly goes.
(Yes, i realize this blurb gives you no idea what this post is I guess you will just have to read it?)
You have something worth smiling for
♥ Share the power of a Wish ♥
Inspired is a most definitely an understatement. Becoming a volunteer for Make A Wish (MAW) Australia Foundation was probably one of the best decisions of my life. Since its establishment, MAW Australia has granted over 7, 000 wishes to children.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
The Art of Madness - Far Away Stables
The Art of Madness - Far Away Stables
So this isnt something that I would normally blog about, BUT I want this amazing Aussie band "Far Away Stables" to win the competition to play alongside Good Charlotte at the FAT AS BUTTER show.
It would mean the world to both me, their fans and the band if you could "Like" "Tweet" "Blog" "Comment" (you can sign in through facebook) and vote for them!!
They are seriously some of the most friendly, down to Earth amazing Aussie guys :)
Follow the link below and support Aussie Talent!!
Thank you :)
So this isnt something that I would normally blog about, BUT I want this amazing Aussie band "Far Away Stables" to win the competition to play alongside Good Charlotte at the FAT AS BUTTER show.
It would mean the world to both me, their fans and the band if you could "Like" "Tweet" "Blog" "Comment" (you can sign in through facebook) and vote for them!!
They are seriously some of the most friendly, down to Earth amazing Aussie guys :)
Follow the link below and support Aussie Talent!!
Thank you :)
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Remember When...?
Do you remember that girl who who was your friend a year back? You were considered best friends. She knew everything about you...and you about her. You could tell in an instant when the other was upset. You could talk for hours about nothing....and still have something to say. Do you remember her?
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
40 seconds...That's all it Takes.
Each year approximately 1 million people commit suicide...1 million people no longer had a reason to wake in the morning. This equates to every 40 seconds...a life is lost. In the time it took you to warm up that meal just now in the microwave...someone else in the world took their own life.
Friday, 7 September 2012
A fear of boats?
1 boat, 2 boats, 3 boats...4. 5 boats, 6 boats...Please no MORE!
I figured, since I am a law and justice student, I have the right to go on a rant about a a particular legal issue that really gets to me, that is, Australia's seemingly unwarranted fear of asylum seekers.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
This is Me, in a Snapshot...
So I got a request to write about the things that have happened in my life that have led me to where I am now, to the person who I am today. I've honestly never considered myself to be a very interesting person. Nor have I ever thought someone would want to know about my life. But here I am, sitting in my cold room, at my cluttered desk with a nice warm crochet blanket over my lap writing this post. I couldn't possibly write my whole life story, or go into specifics about particular events that stand out, so I have attempted a blurb of the incredibly (what I think is) boring story that is my life.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
5 Minutes work...10 hours Break...
So I think that I pretty much take out all the awards for best procrastinator ever. However, I am sure that I have some very stiff competition considering the amount of students there are out there. I don't know about you, but I have gone to some strange and highly unproductive lengths to avoid the dreaded thing that is study. Social networking sites are my weakness. So this post is about my journey into the world of what I see as anti-social networking.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Fifty Shades of Wrong
A Review by Kira Apps (@GcGoodness) a awesome friend of mine :)
This review comes after my mother sent me the "Fifty Shades" trilogy with a letter saying "Kira you have to read these..."
Thursday, 9 August 2012
When all else fails..wish upon a star...
Today I was inspired. Today I met a beautiful little boy who had an incredibly huge smile for someone who has spent the last 5 months in hospital. A little boy who was given the short straw in life sat there smiling like he had everything to live for in the world.
Monday, 6 August 2012
I'm lying here in the's been about 30 minutes since the power went out and I figured well there's no Internet,no light, no battery left on my why not write a blog post about how incredibly boring it is!
Saturday, 4 August 2012
It's not the's just the beginning.
I will confide in you, a personal truth. A story of both heartache and loss, but also passion and strength. You stare at the emotional scars that occasionally break the surface of my smiling facade with concern. But being a little Emo ain't a bad just makes you the most real face in the room.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
It's Beautifully Impossible
"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast" ~Lewis Carroll
You should never underestimate the inopportune and wildly impossible scenarios your heart may create. Love is a curse without a cure. Hindered by distance, pain, hurt, guilt, regret, mistakes and unfortunate circumstances. I won't lie, it comes with some of the finest of moments and the happiest of times, but those are always balanced by the hardest of decisions and most inconvenient timings. Just when you think you have it all figured out, there is something to shove that back in your face...
Friday, 13 July 2012
Cloudy day?
Ever traveled overseas, planned out this awesome day...and it's cloudy..thus ruining the spectacular photos you potentially could have had? Well never fear!
A Fascination with Doors.

If you have ever been to particular Italy and Greece, you will understand the feeling of downloading your holiday photos and realizing about a third of them are of DOORS! There are red doors, blue doors, doors that lead nowhere, doors that open to doors, 3 doors that all lead to the same room, doors to an outdoor courtyard, doors with no purpose, doors you cant open, doors within honestly is crazy.
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Music. Saves. Lives.
There's a song that can define every moment of your life. Whether it be the happiest or the saddest moment or the little insignificant moments in between. For Me, it's pop punk bands that saved my life. Like the quote below, music is so much more than the surface tune. It's the lyrics, it's the message, it's the story they tell. It's the thought that no matter what time of day or month or year, music will always be there. As time moves on, it will stay the same, be by your side, forever embedded in your life. Oftentimes the lyrics leave footprints on your heart and tears in your eyes. Music takes you on a journey through your soul that no one else could ever do. Without music, I know my life would be hollow and dank.
How to Save a Life..
"No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people. Oftentimes, we have no clue. Yet we push it just the same" ~13 Reasons Why by Jay AsherIt's so unbelievably true. We impact on other lives without even knowing. Whether good or bad...everyone does it. Putting a smile on your face every day at work or being super enthusiastic about the most mundane of's incredible how much happier you can make everyone else around you feel.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
“Find our eyes and our souls will be free”
“Find our eyes and
our souls will be free”
with my obsession with quotes and lyrics, I also love subtexts and hidden
messages in movies and poetry. The movie “Coraline” has all these things. I
fell in love with it at the opening credits!
If there was no tomorrow...
am a lover of quotes and this one from the novel “Before I Fall” by Lauren
Oliver is perfect.
“Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there is a tomorrow. Maybe for you there’s one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten. So much time you can bathe in it, roll around in it, let it slide like coins through your fingers. So much time you can waste it. But for some of us there’s only today. And the truth is, you never really know.”
beautiful and it’s true. What if there wasn’t a tomorrow?
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Introducing Myself
“Can't put
all of myself out in the world, gotta have a little mystery to me" ~Kellin
Quinn (Sleeping With Sirens)
I just love that quote. I guess it's true. If everyone knew everything about you, what else is there to keep it interesting?
Anyway, I thought my first post should introduce a little about myself :) My name is Courtney and I am from Australia. I have a lot of crazy dreams and aspirations that I want to achieve in my lifetime. I have a growing list of things I want to do/see, things I want to create, places I want to go, things I want to live through, people I aspire to be like, dreams I want to fulfill, so on and so forth.
I just love that quote. I guess it's true. If everyone knew everything about you, what else is there to keep it interesting?
Anyway, I thought my first post should introduce a little about myself :) My name is Courtney and I am from Australia. I have a lot of crazy dreams and aspirations that I want to achieve in my lifetime. I have a growing list of things I want to do/see, things I want to create, places I want to go, things I want to live through, people I aspire to be like, dreams I want to fulfill, so on and so forth.
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