Thursday, 20 September 2012

This is Our Anthem

I think that it is about time that Good Charlotte made an appearance in this blog...would you agree? To my GCFAM On Twitter...only you could understand when I say that Good Charlotte is more than just a band. Whether you are a new listener to GC or you are a long standing and proud member of our family...I am sure you will mostly agree with the things I have to say. Number 1...being that we are all part of an incredible family.
There will always be those people who say "but it's JUST music" or "they are JUST a band" but these people have no idea how much Good Charlotte and their music have helped us. I guess that is what makes us GCFAM so special...we are all one family who understand the importance of music. Music can mean something different to each person, could have helped each of you in a different way or stage of your life...but we all share that same passion when we scream out those lyrics in the heart of the mosh pit. 

We are the children of a pop punk family who scream at the top of our lungs at Good Charlotte concerts and reach out to Joel and Benji Madden just so they know how amazing they are. We sing the lyrics so loud in a hope that they will wash away the emotions building up inside of us. At GC concerts...we are all the same and we are a family. The Madden brothers may not "Look" like suitable role models...but I think you will agree they have touched our hearts with their music and saved more lives than any normal role model. Benji's cute smile and the way that they are so passionate about what they do gives us all hope and motivation for our futures. They have shown us through living their own lives that a person can come from something or nothing...and still make something of their lives. 

It's not just about the music, its about the feeling of being connected to thousands of people around the world who hold the same passion for a band. The lyrics sung to us, the song written for us...telling us to "hold on" and the messages sent out to troubled young people around the world...these are reasons we are so passionate about this band. Not only is the sheer love and appreciation they have for their fans. Then there are the positive messages and tweets sent out so regularly by the Madden brothers, reminding all their followers that this life is worth living...that things get better and most "Keep it real and stay positive".

Good Charlotte has taught us all to "Hold on" and reminded us that we aren't alone...that there are others out there feeling the way that we do. They have inspired many young souls to march on like soldiers and to tell us that it's ok to be a little emotional sometimes. To all of us people who feel like they have never fitted in anywhere...the GCFAM we have going, that is somewhere we will always fit in. 

I guess what I am trying to say is that Good Charlotte isn't just a band to me. It's not just some phase or something that will ever go away...with the music comes memories of concerts...of meeting amazing people along the way and making friends. Eventually, maybe, I will find other bands and begin to like new music...but Good Charlotte will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. Good Charlotte will always be the band who reminded me never to give up and to soldier on....just through their music and lyrics. Joel and Benji are forever an inspiration...for so many reasons I couldn't possibly list them all and still keep your attention.  

I don't know what I would do without this GC Family, but I know that we are all pretty amazing :) So we shall live on, keeping it real and staying positive and supporting our love of Good Charlotte forever and always. 


  1. This blog is amazing and couldn't be more true. Good Charlotte isn't just a band they're role models, inspirations and people we can look up too and love. They've helped me and many others to believe that life has a purpose. Each member has a reason other then the instrument or microphone they use. We love them for being them and for helping us meet other people who share the same passion in their music. We call ourselves GCfam because we're not a community of music lovers we're a family. I hope they read your blog beautiful xox

  2. Thank you beautiful girl :) We are part of an incredible family.
