Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Introducing Myself

“Can't put all of myself out in the world, gotta have a little mystery to me" ~Kellin Quinn (Sleeping With Sirens)

I just love that quote. I guess it's true. If everyone knew everything about you, what else is there to keep it interesting?

Anyway, I thought my first post should introduce a little about myself :)  My name is Courtney and I am from Australia. I have a lot of crazy dreams and aspirations that I want to achieve in my lifetime. I have a growing list of things I want to do/see, things I want to create, places I want to go, things I want to live through, people I aspire to be like, dreams I want to fulfill, so on and so forth.

Every life story starts with a dream to succeed and the will to "do what you want to do". Yes, I do have a boring back up plan to become a lawyer if all else fails...but creativity will always win out with me. I am a typical "teenage dirtbag" who has band posters all over her walls, sticky notes in her diary, quotes in every book, textbooks never opened, loads of stationery, black clothes...the list goes on…but you get the idea.

I am an internet freak...I run a Tumblr Blog, Twitter, Facebook...and now this! I honestly have no idea how I manage all these AND somehow pass my law degree subjects? I never cease to amaze myself. AND with permission (yet to be sought) from Dave and Josh from Summertime Dropouts...I'm a band promoter. Nah...can't take that much credit...but they are awesome...check them out!

I read books...a LOT of books. I listen to Pop Punk music. I watch a LOT of TV shows (Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Bones, Castle). Yes, I am a weirdo who enjoys Tim Burton's movies. Barbecue flavoured chips are my favourite (yes, i spell both of those words with a "u" cause I am Australian). Don't think you need to know this, but my favourite bands are Good Charlotte, Sleeping With Sirens and All Time Low.

I am a volunteer for Make a Wish Foundation Australia.

I have travelled the world over my short time of living. U.S.A when I was little...did the whole Disneyland thing. And twice I have been to Europe. Countries I've visited: France, Italy, Switzerland, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Greece, Singapore...and I guess I could count Dubai (I spent 4 hours at the airport).

I hope that one day I have the opportunity to run a magazine, either online or paper. OR write a novel. I want to be able to change a person's life, to give them an escape from reality, another perspective on let them know that their hopes and dreams are never out of reach.

Feel free to send me any questions...I am always here to help with anything (just ask anyone from my Twitter family).

Courtney xoxo

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