Monday, 6 August 2012


I'm lying here in the's been about 30 minutes since the power went out and I figured well there's no Internet,no light, no battery left on my why not write a blog post about how incredibly boring it is! 
I can't do anything! I shouldn't open the fridge too much, so standing in front of the fridge, door open, deciding what to eat is out of the question. I can't see a damn thing walking around with only my iPod light. Everyone has gone to bed...cause let's face it..there's nothing else to do at 9pm at night. I can even read a book or do any study (not that I would) because I can't see what I'm reading. There's no TV, no Facebook or twitter because I have an ancient phone (and besides it has 1 bar of battery left) and I can't charge it! It's I credible the amount of things we take for granted every moment of our lives without even knowing it.
Just for a fun unrelated fact,...I'm attempting to write this in the notes app my iPod lying on my side and the screen keeps flipping between landscape and vertical and it's driving me nuts!
Anyway, once again the only thing that hasn't abandoned me during this momentous blackout is music. Remember my last post about music saving lives? (if not... It's a good one to check out) well here we are again. When all else has failed I still have my headphones and iPod to listen to some good pop punk/emo music to help pass the time. Alex Gaskarthfrom All Time Low was right when he said that people love music because it's the one thing that will never let them down. It's always around. And if your iPod battery is low or you can't find your headphones's so damn dark and you can't move without tripping over a stuffed toy you should have moved or bumping into a wall that seems to have appeared from can always hum or sing! Quietly...

Well that is pretty much all my Monday night is consisting of at the moment. I know, exciting stuff!

While I am here I just want to give a shout out to my beautiful friends I have on twitter who always embrace my obsessions with TV shows (#spnfamily and #tvdfamily) and music (yes you #GCFAM).

Over and out! ( oh dear I've gone mental)


  1. I love these little blog posts.... They always make me smile

  2. hehe. Im SO GLAD!!! :D I hope they make others smile too :D
