Each year approximately 1 million people commit suicide...1 million people no longer had a reason to wake in the morning. This equates to every 40 seconds...a life is lost. In the time it took you to warm up that meal just now in the microwave...someone else in the world took their own life.
Surrounding "suicide" are so many misconceptions, misunderstandings and assumptions. It is typically associated with young lives, because those deaths seem the most tragic. People wonder how someone so young could think they had nothing to live for...but there is always so much more to their story. They aren't just a lost young life, they are a lesson.
There are opinions floating around (often those of older generations) who do not seem to understand how a person who is cyber bullied, couldn't just deactivate their facebook page, or twitter account...why did they have to kill themselves? Here is the reason why.
Something you have read that cuts deep into your heart...leaves a scar. There is no UNDOING the damage. You can't UNSEE something you've seen, you can't UNHEAR something you've heard. It stays there, dwelling in your thoughts for as long as you allow it to. For someone who is having a hard time waking in the morning, a single negative remark such as those flippant comments on social networking sites could push a person over the edge.
It takes seconds to convince a person they aren't worthy of their life, but years to repair the damage. So...to all those people out there of the opinion of "Well just deactivate the social networking site"...you are terribly naive. Words are irrevocable...they cannot be undone.
"You can't UNSEE something you've seen, you can't UNHEAR something you've heard."
Every person has their own story. Someone they knew...a friend they always thought was the happiest person on Earth. For some reason, it always rains the hardest on those who deserve the most love.
To all of those who are suffering depression, just know there is help out there. Never give up because I promise you, if no one else cares...I do. People out there are always willing to listen.
My thoughts are with the people who mourn the death of someone close to them. To those beautiful people watching over us from the clouds, just know that you were loved and you are dearly missed...but you are forgiven. On this day, we pray that you have found peace and that you are watching over all the others down here struggling through life.
If you see that someone needs help, don't give up on them...it could be the one thing you regret the rest of your life. Take 40 seconds to listen to that silent cry for help.
Emergency help line here.
If you need help or know somebody that does visit lifeline here.

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