Things we have learnt from Supernatural:
- You're stuck with the family you are given.
- Tuesdays are forever known at "Pig n A Poke!" day
- Going to hell is never the end of the story
- Never become a "low sodium freak"
- When called a bitch, reply with Jerk
- If you ever lose your shoe...just pout
- If you throw a party there must be confetti and you MUST shout "Confetti...its a parade!"
- Yelling "Assbutt" is a perfectly acceptable way to get somebody's attention
- Sleeping with a knife under your pillow does not mean you're scared, it's just a precaution (@BitchJerkLove)
- If you're going camping in the woods - don't forget M&Ms! They're necessary provisions...
- "driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole"
- Always come up with a ridiculous code phrase in case someone ties you up and makes you talk on the phone.
- If you're nervous on a plane, choose some soothing music to calm you down... like Metallica...
- when in doubt...serve all of your beverages laced with holy water.
- Nothing can ever fully destroy a 67' Impala...not even a semi.
- Cell phones work best when attempting to shoot a ghost.
- Keep a large collection of random uniforms at hand. You never know when you might have to be a convict…or a priest…
- Cas is still working on the concept of personal space, but he'll get there eventually.
- Just because Angels have the same names as the Ninja Turtles..does not mean you can take them on
- The older sibling is ALWAYS right
- Chances're dealing with a Arch Angel not a trickster
- Nothing is ever just a myth
- If your radio screws may be a ghost
- If you think your life is a Winchester for a day
- bugs....are ALWAYS a pest
- If you feel like somebody is behind you...tweet that feeling.
- And if two amazingly handsome young guys coming knocking at your door accompanied by a random awkward guy in a trench coat...believe what they say, despite the un-rehearsed story they make up.

That is ALL.
If you have anything to add..Tweet me or comment!! :D SPNFamily ... what would I do without you?
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