There's a song that can define every moment of your life. Whether it be the happiest or the saddest moment or the little insignificant moments in between. For Me, it's pop punk bands that saved my life. Like the quote below, music is so much more than the surface tune. It's the lyrics, it's the message, it's the story they tell. It's the thought that no matter what time of day or month or year, music will always be there. As time moves on, it will stay the same, be by your side, forever embedded in your life. Oftentimes the lyrics leave footprints on your heart and tears in your eyes. Music takes you on a journey through your soul that no one else could ever do. Without music, I know my life would be hollow and dank.
Good Charlotte, Sleeping With Sirens, My Chemical Romance, Simple Plan and so many more are the reason I get through the tough times in life.
Through loving these bands, I have come to know some pretty amazing people. The #GCFAM on twitter are incredible people who I love very much. Music is a brings souls from all over the world, from different backgrounds, cultures, history together in one place, with one passion. We are far in distance, yet close at heart.
"Sometimes you gotta fall before you Fly" (Sleeping with Sirens) This quote made me realize that it's not the end of the world if things don't quite work out in the first instance. Oftentimes, opportunities arise at the wrong time, when we are not ready for them. You have to take the good with the bad.
"Sometimes you gotta fall before you Fly" (Sleeping with Sirens) This quote made me realize that it's not the end of the world if things don't quite work out in the first instance. Oftentimes, opportunities arise at the wrong time, when we are not ready for them. You have to take the good with the bad.

It's Simple Plan telling us that being a kid is a nightmare. It's My Chemical Romance telling us that we will show our scars and carry on. It's Summertime Dropouts telling us it's alright to be different. It's All Time Low telling us that if we stand for nothing we will fall for anything.
Then it's not only the lyrics, it's the band members. It's Kellin Quinn telling me that wrists are for bracelets, not cutting. It's Benji Madden and his positive tweets, letting people know all over the world that tomorrow will be better. It's Gerard Way telling us that we will make it, even if we never intend to. It's the people on twitter and facebook who sing back the next line in a song. Music is a universal language.
Life is about finding what makes you happy. For me, music is one of those things. It makes me smile every day. I have a playlist for when I am sad and lonely and another playlist for when I am happy. I never have a time when I feel alone. Knowing someone else out there feels the same way that I do is amazing. So for those who read this, please know, out of the billions of people in this world, someone feels or has felt the way that you are not alone.
Music is a part of me. It owns a part of my heart and soul. Words that can touch the hearts of so many people are truly magical. Everyone you meet is fighting their own just so happens to be my peacekeeper.
Music is a part of me. It owns a part of my heart and soul. Words that can touch the hearts of so many people are truly magical. Everyone you meet is fighting their own just so happens to be my peacekeeper.
from different backgrounds, cultures, history together in one place, with one passion. We are far in distance, yet close at heart music saves lives