I am becoming to notice that things are changing in my life. Things I thought I saw myself being are no longer something I dream of. Many people call it growing up, others will tell you it's a change in your stars, then there are those who will tell you that changing your mind isn't a wise decision. It is that last category of people that choose to exist rather than live, to plan for the unguaranteed future rather than enjoy life and to tell others their decisions are not for the best.
To those people, if you are reading this, I propose the question, what if you died in a year or a month or a week? I believe, of the 7 billion people on this planet, that group would have the most regrets...and just recently, I have decided I no longer want to be in that group of people.
It doesn't matter if you change your mind or decide to do something different with your life, what is crucial is that you know what is most important to you and forget those who tell you otherwise. (Just for clarification, there is a difference between choosing an alternative path and making stupid decisions.)
For me, I am nearly always a planner. I make sure that there are measures in place to ensure things run smoothly. In my education, I am always looking to the future...what grades I need to do this, what subjects I need to do that, what work experience I need etc etc. Planning is something I have always done, the future is something I always worried about. I am the first to admit that this doesn't always make me happy and I have begun to see that there is so much more to life, that there is joy in living for the moment.
I found love. Not just "a" love, I found "the" love or "my one" love. I found one of the most amazing feelings in the world and for that, I count my blessings. It is indescribable and consuming and at times overwhelming. Love is life changing, and I believe this is what has made me realize I want more from life. Finally, I have decided that living life is something I want to do, not just plan it...

Don't get me wrong, I still have my original dreams. I still want to earn money with my law degree, save up money for a beautiful house and put my finger in a number of creative projects. Yet now, I want to live a little bit more. I want to experience different countries for myself, meet people with incredible stories all around the world. Even though this means spending a bit of money instead of saving for the future, if I died next year I want to have no regrets. Of course, reality still takes this away when it comes to buying a house and finishing my education. But in the meantime, there is no reason not to live my life as a young person in this world.
So, don't let those people who tell you to always think of your future and not to spend all your money on things you might regret or that aren't worth it stop you from living your life. In the end, I have decided I want to leave behind an EPIC story, a story that people would want to read about and most of all, a story that my future children would be proud of telling their children. After all, as we get older, stories of when we were young are all that we have to tell.
I want to be able to say that I was successful in my career, that I met my goals, but also that I made crazy memories and shared experiences with people that I love. I want to explore the world and take different opportunities that life throws at me, I don't want to be stuck in a one lane highway to the finish line.
I guess what I am saying is, don't let people stop you from doing the things you want to do in life. Nobody really enjoys a story about planning the future...eventually you have to start living it. The future isn't as set in stone as we would like to think. Ultimately, when it really comes down to it, none of us really know how many 'tomorrows' we have left.
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