Sunday 5 May 2013

Saving June

Another book review by my friend Brooke!!  Saving June by Hannah Harrington was an amazing read and definitely worth checking out. It was based on a highly debated and topical issue of teen suicide...but also a focus on repairing the hearts of those left behind. 

Find more reviews by Brooke here:

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Describing Beauty

For the first time in my YouTube watching history I actually stopped to watch the whole advertisement even after the mandatory 5 second preview. I was captivated and intrigued by what was happening. The video that I have posted below is "Dove's Real Beauty Sketches" and it is well worth the watch. The video explains how women are their own worst critic. It involved a sketch artist who draws a picture of these women relying only on how they describe themselves. He then sketches another picture of the same woman except how another person describes her. Just watch to find out the results. It made me think about how I would describe myself and how others really see me.